Liaisons have the ability to close E/V records of individuals in the portal. The following steps should be taken when an employee or volunteer has concluded their service:

  1. Obtain the last date of service
    1. Employee: Speak to the business manager to ensure that you have the correct last day or termination day of work. The end date in the E/V record must match the date the business manager uses in Dayforce.
    2. Volunteer: Speak to the ministry lead to ensure that you have the correct last day or termination day of service.
  2. Updating the record:
    1. Go to and choose the E/V tab in the individual's record
    2. Choose the record you want to update and/or close and choose Edit

  1. Go to the End Date box and provide the termination date

  1. Save the record

Once the activity has been saved you will note that the Compliance Status will change immediately. Please note that if activity that you are ending is the only activity, the individual will no longer be OPCYP compliant since an active activity is required for compliance.