Please find attached Bishop Burbidge's January 1, 2020 promulgation letter. Below are the primary changes in the updated Diocese of Arlington Child Protection policy:

  • References to the motu proprio, Vos estis lux mundi (May 9, 2019).
  • Updated and clarified definition of "child abuse," including the addition of possession of child pornography as child abuse and as a canonical crime (Section 2.4.e; footnote 2).
  • Clarified definition of what is meant by a "credible accusation" (Section 2.6.), including a note discussing the nature of the Review Board process. Also, the term "credible evidence" is no longer used in discussions of the initial stages of the investigatory process; it has been replaced by the term "sufficient evidence to merit further investigation."
  • Separate sections discussing the investigatory process for cases involving clerics (Section 8) and non-clerics (Section 9), respectively.
  • Updated summary of civil law reporting requirements, incorporating changes in Virginia law (Attachment A).
  • Removal of references to the Diocesan Advisory Board (which was dissolved in 2013; formerly Attachment D).